Columbus Telegram Features Michael Floyd and ‘Spy the Lie’

Columbus Telegram Features Michael Floyd and ‘Spy the Lie’

The Columbus Telegram in Columbus, Nebraska, featured QVerity’s Michael Floyd and our book, Spy the Lie in an Aug. 10 article. Here’s an exceprt:

Trying to sneak a lie past Michael Floyd is asking for trouble.

The Columbus native and former Central Intelligence Agency officer spent years studying human behavior to decipher a lie from the truth. While serving in the CIA, he was a professional polygraph examiner screening new hires and current officers.

He is an expert in spotting deceit and is the co-founder of QVerity, a detection and deception consulting company. He is sharing some tricks of the trade in a new book he penned with two other colleagues.

“Spy the Lie” was released last month and teaches the reader skills to pinpoint untruths.

The book has hit the New York Times best seller list, an accomplishment Floyd, a 1968 Columbus High School graduate, didn’t anticipate.

 To read the full article, click here.