Phil Houston Speaks with ‘Yahoo! Parenting’ About Kids and Lying

Phil Houston Speaks with ‘Yahoo! Parenting’ About Kids and Lying

How can you tell when your child is lying? QVerity’s Phil Houston recently addressed that topic for an article on the Yahoo! Parenting site.  Here’s an excerpt:

Every child at least attempts to lie, says Phil Houston, a former CIA polygraph examiner, co-author of “Spy the Lie: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Detect Deception,” and a father of three. “Children lie, it’s part of the developmental process,” he says. “Even if they know lying is wrong, they’re still going to try it, as it’s the obvious way to stay out of trouble.” … By the age of six or seven, children’s deceptions become more sophisticated, and they learn to lie by omission. When asked where she went after school, a child might tell a parent: “I went to A, B, and C.” And leave out D. “To counter this, a parents needs to understand the importance of the follow-up,” Houston says.  “Ask, ‘Where else did you go after school?’” 

To read the full article by Kate Rockland, click here.