GET THE TRUTH Featured in Chicago Tribune

GET THE TRUTH Featured in Chicago Tribune

In a July 21 article headlined, “CIA Tactics You Can Use at Home,” Nara Schoenberg of the Chicago Tribune captured the essence of our elicitation methodology, as chronicled in our book, “Get the Truth.” Schoenberg interviewed QVerity’s Phil Houston, who shared key aspects of our approach. Here’s an excerpt:

Houston, co-author with Michael Floyd and Susan Carnicero of the best-seller “Spy the Lie” and now the new book, “Get the Truth: Former CIA Officers Teach You How to Persuade Anyone to Tell All” (St. Martin’s Press), isn’t suggesting that you treat your nearest and dearest like threats to national security. But he does say that a modified version of the approach he honed at the CIA can be highly effective. … Houston, who has conducted thousands of interviews and interrogations for the CIA and other federal agencies, would typically start those interactions with an interview. If disturbing signs surfaced (a trusted foreign asset might hesitate when asked if he had worked for another government), Houston would use what he calls a transition statement to voice his concern in a calm, reasonable way: “Dave, there’s clearly something you’re not telling me, and we need to talk about that.”

To read the full article, click here.