03 Sep FBI Invites QVerity’s Bill Stanton to Speak at Aviation Security Conference
QVerity partner and renowned security expert Bill Stanton was invited by the FBI to speak at the 2017 Civil Aviation Security Conference, an event held under the auspices of the National Joint Terrorism Task Force’s Civil Aviation Security Program.

The FBI Counterterrorism Division’s Civil Aviation Security Program is responsible for criminal- and terrorism-related activity. CASP is extensively involved in efforts to uncover terrorist operations, and to prevent them from attacking or exploiting civil aviation in the United States.
The FBI assigns Special Agents and Task Force Officers as Airport Liaison Agents at each of the nation’s TSA-regulated airports, and other aviation facilities in order to respond to aviation-related incidents and threats.
ALAs participate in joint FBI-TSA airport vulnerability assessments, and interact with interagency and private-sector stakeholders at airports around the country on exercises, threat mitigation, and other issues to protect the traveling public.