On the Oct. 12 airing of The Kudlow Report on CNBC, QVerity CEO Phil Houston performed a deception detection analysis of Vice President Biden's behavior during the Oct. 11 vice presidential debate. Watch the video below or view it on CNBC's website.

In a September 26  article headlined, "How to Detect Deceit: A Model from Former CIA Officers," PsychCentral.com associate editor Margarita Tartakovsky presented a well-crafted overview of our book, Spy the Lie. Click here to read Margarita's write-up.

In a USA Today article headlined "Little Lies Will Catch Up with a Job Seeker," career consultant and syndicated columnist Andrea Kay explains how employers can potentially detect deception, based on our book, Spy the Lie. Click here to read the article.

On Sept. 9, QVerity's Phil Houston was a guest on Jim Brown's Common Sense on the Genesis Communications Network. Click here to listen to the engaging interview with host Jim Brown, in which Phil discussed the origin of QVerity's deception detection methodology within the CIA.

On Sept. 2, the Maine Sunday Telegram, the Sunday edition of the Portland Press Herald, featured a Q&A with QVerity's Don Tennant about our book, Spy the Lie. Click here to read Meredith Goad's interview with Don.