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Phil Houston on April 11 made an appearance on Australia's "Today" morning show to provide viewers with advice on how to tell when people are lying, and how to get them to tell you the truth. To watch the segment with Phil, which highlights our new book, "Get the Truth," click here.

The Columbus Telegram in Michael Floyd's hometown of Columbus, Nebraska, featured Michael in an April 9 article about our new book, "Get the Truth." Here's an excerpt:"Spy the Lie" shows how to detect when someone isn't being candid. "Get the Truth" is considered a sequel and tells the reader what comes next, which is the critical interview that gets the

Michael Floyd was a guest on the April 3 edition of HuffPost Live's "Political Junkies" program, hosted by Alyona Minkovski. Ms. Minkovski interviewed Michael about our new book, "Get the Truth." To watch the full segment, click here.

The U.S. edition of the U.K. newspaper The Guardian covered the release of our new book, "Get the Truth," in a March 31 article headlined, "CIA Self-help Book: How to Win Friends and Interrogate People." Here's an excerpt:Philip Houston, Michael Floyd and Susan Carnicero believe the methods that have helped them to winkle out traitors in various unspecified sandy locations

"Well, here's a business communications book with a difference." That's how writer Sam Leith opened his review of our new book "Get the Truth" in the March 30 edition of the Financial Times in London. Here's an excerpt:The secret, they say, is to keep your interlocutor in “short-term thinking mode”, so their mind stays in the room, not on the big picture.

Interest in our new book, "Get the Truth," has spread to Australia, where "Weekend Sunrise," a popular morning show on Sydney's Channel 7, invited QVerity's Michael Floyd to share our tips on how to tell when someone is lying. In the March 29 segment, co-hosts Monique Wright and Andrew O'Keefe engaged Michael in an enjoyable interview that captured the essence